“Systematic Innovation” appears to most people as an oxymoron, two mutually exclusive words that just don’t seem to fit together. They feel innovation (idea generation at least) must be free flowing and unstructured. We have found the opposite to be true. Our 8-Step process puts just the right amount of needed structure into the innovation process, in fact, it is quite flexible. All the “tools” described in the “lightbulb” on our Home Page are integrated into our 8-Step Process. Each Step is optional, the individual or project team will decide which steps to emphasize depending on their specific project scope, goals, and constraints. Each step is logical, practical, and optional with a sub-menu of “best practice” tools, methods, and skills the project team can select and use to create (or improve) products and services that deliver “new value” to their customers.
This results in an offering that will compete with the best of the competition. The first step begins with a deep understanding of the customer, the beneficiary of any innovation. Through a series of transformations, a team will reduce risk and increase the likelihood of creating an offering that is profitable and successful in the marketplace. Watch the video on our home page (or contact us) to learn more about our process. Ask us about our In-house workshops and our FREE Executive Overviews. Back to the home page