40 Inventive Principles

40 Inventive PrinciplesDevelopment is full of conflicts, improve one thing and hurt another. Compromising is the most common way to deal with the conflict, but NEVER the best way. The 40 Inventive Principles is one of the first TRIZ tools developed by Altshuller, the inventor of TRIZ.  These principles have been extracted from an analysis of thousands of patents that help guide your thinking to help you develop solutions that are win-win, with little or no compromise.  Each of the 40 principles are organized to deal with “Technical Contradictions” (reduce weight hurt strength) in Product and Process Development.  Altshuller’s Contradiction Matrix easily shows you which Inventive Principles can be used for over 1200 common conflicts.  In Step 4 of the Systematic Innovation Framework learn the algorithm for using the 40 Inventive Principles to eliminate or improve a conflict.  Microsoft Excel template available.